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Career Coaching
  Do you have a sense that you can be working in a more fulfilling career and living a more inspired, purposeful and successful life? You may be:
  • Unsure about the best career choice,
  • Considering a career change,
  • Looking to land the job of your dreams,
  • Considering starting your own business

Joel works with hundreds of individual's, groups and organizations looking to effect change, develop potential and achieve success in their careers. If you have a desire to create your best career and your best life, Joel is committed to helping you define and achieve your vision.

Career Coaching services and packages include:

  • Looking for deeper meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in your career
  • Finding and choosing the right career
  • Deciding on and/or making a career change
  • Creating a strategic plan for career success
  • Building professional resumes, CVs and cover letters
  • Job search, relationship building and personal marketing strategies
  • Interview preparation skills and strategies

Contact Joel to discuss how career coaching can empower you to Lead Your Best Life.

Joel is based in Calgary, Alberta, and offers coaching, counselling, consulting, workshops and public speaking services either in-person or via phone, email or web-conferencing.


Career Coaching


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