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Leadership Coaching
  Developing leadership is fundamental to creating successful organizations and to realizing personal potential while creating fulfilling careers and lives. This is true of creating success in our personal lives, in our relationships and in the organizations for whom we work. is committed to empowering individuals and organizations to achieve success through the development of personal and organizational leadership.

We can only be effective leaders for others if we are first, and foremost, effective leaders for ourselves. For this reason, the coaching philosophy of careerand is focused on empowering individuals and organizations to Lead Your Best Life.

Leadership Development Programs include:
  • Executive Coaching 
  • New Leader Coaching
  • Personal Leadership Coaching
  • Organizational Leadership Development Workshops
  • Personal Leadership Development Keynotes

Contact us to discuss how our leadership coaching, workshops and keynotes can empower you to Lead Your Best Life.

Joel is based in Calgary, Alberta, and offers coaching, consulting, workshops and public speaking services either in-person or via phone, skype, email or web-conferencing.


Leadership Development


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