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Life Coaching and Counselling
  Are you feeling that you can be living a more fulfilling, purposeful and successful life? Would you like to:
  • Create a better sense of balance?
  • Enhance your personal effectivess and productivity?
  • Create a better sense of well-being?
  • Achieve challenging or long-postponed goals you have set for yourself? Life coaching can help you create the life you truly want to be living.

The life coaching or counselling process is designed to help you:

  • Create the results you want to achieve in your life?
  • Create clarity about what you specifically want in your life;
  • Develop awareness of your core values, personal strengths and your purpose in the world;
  • Set powerful goals, develop inspiration and take action to achieve these goals;
  • Overcome limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living your best life;
  • Develop and inject powerful strategies and tools for creating your best life; and,
  • Stay on track, evaluate progress and ultimately achieve your personal best in your personal and/or professional life.

Contact Joel to discuss how coaching can empower you to Lead Your Best Life.

Joel is based in Calgary, Alberta, and offers coaching, counselling, consulting, workshops and public speaking services either in-person or via phone, email or web-conferencing.



Life Coaching and Counselling


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