Career and Life Success Coaching - Lead Your Best Life. Live and Be Inspired now!
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Events, Workshops and Speaking Engagements
  • Book Joel for an event, workshop or keynote.

    Recent Speaking Events and Workshops
    • "Mental Toughness and Resiliency" - Halliburton Leadership Team, February 2016
    • "Mental Toughness and Resiliency" - Agrium Women's Leadership Group,  November 2015
    • "Goal Setting and Follow-Through", Women in Business Group, January, 2016
    •  "Emotional Intelligence and Personal Development" - Cummings School of Medicine Leadership Program, Haskayne Executive Education Program, University of Calgary, October 2014 and October 2015
    • "Peer Mentoring and Coaching" - Cummings School of Medicine Leadership Program, Haskayne Executive Education Program, University of Calgary, October 2014 and October 2015
    • "Enhancing Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence", ATB Financial, December 2015
    • "Enhancing Communication and Client Engagement", ATB Financial, December 2015
    • "Enhancing Leadership and Team Effectiveness Through Communication, Feedback and Employee Engagement", Progress Energy, January, 2015
    • "Driving Business Results", First Calgary Financial Leadership Team, 2014
    • "Team Building Session", City of Calgary, 2014
    • "Team Building Workshop", Deloitte, 2014
    • "Communication and Feedback Skills for Greater Effectiveness", Progress Energy, 2014
    • "Team Building Workshop", Transcanada Pipelines, 2014
    • "Team Building Workshop", Upside Engineering, 2014
    • Accelerating Leadership Performance, McKay CEO Forums, 2013
    • Accelerating Leadership Performance, Upside Engineering Leadership Team, September, 2012
    • "Leadership Through Awareness, Collaboration, Personal Responsibility and Purposeful Action" - Panelist alongside Stephen Lewis: The People vs. Cancer Speaking Tour
    • "Creating Success Through Personal Leadership and Connecting Passion to Purpose" - Keynote: Calgary Residence Life Revival Annual Conference, University of Calgary, 2012
    • "Creating Success Through Understanding and Overcoming Fear" - Keynote: Alberta Equestrian Federation Annual Conference,
  • Selected Speaking and Workshop Topics
    • Mental Toughness and Resiliency
    • Awakening Inspiration - Leading Your Best Life
    • Creating Success Through Understanding and Overcoming Fear
    • Personal Leadership For Life Success
    • Preparing for Optimal Performance
    • Creating a Strategic Plan for Career and Life Success
    • Mental Training Strategies for Peak Performance
    • Developing Personal Leadership Through Horses

Contact us to discuss how our leadership coaching workshops can empower you to "Lead Your Best Life.

Joel is based in Calgary, Alberta, and offers coaching, consulting, workshops and public speaking services either in-person or via phone, skype, email or web-conferencing.   


Career, Life & Performance
Coaching with Joel Wilkinson, M.Sc., R. Psych., PCC


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